Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Sadly Again... Distractions Won the Day: How Politics Won Over the MLK Day Impact... Now, Who Do We Point the Finger To?

 {Short blog on this one but for sure not insignificant. For background, this link MLK2024 takes you to the original post/alert regarding #mlk2024distractions)

Start with this question. Why did God allow a Federal Holiday to honor a Spiritual Leader in this nation? Add this one. What does it mean to have the only Day of honor in the nation that honors a man of God? And, top it off with this one. When it's a Day of Honor for a minister and 'we the people (of God)' are the custodians of this Day, who else but US(A) should make it a top priority and uplift the Day for what brings the ultimate Glory to God?

As this is now my 34th year honoring the MLK Holiday beginning in Memphis with the first three years of the Federal Holiday, the increasing goal and understanding is to present Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., not as 'the one and only'... but more so, 'The Only One'. He's not the one and only who gave ultimate sacrifices to bring a nation back to God, etc., BUT... He's the ONLY ONE with a Federal Holiday and a Monument on the National Mall that depicts the honor that has been given to him as a man of God, a minister, prophet, and pastor who is now representing God's honor for His people in this nation. It is to unveil the fact that Rev. Dr. King was more so a Biblical Rights Leader/Activist than a civil rights leader/activist. Why? Because he was called a practitioner of activating The Word of God. This was his derivative. This was his source of ultimate truth. The bible was his library.

With this in mind, the ever-increasing revealing truth can (should) allow this Day to be uplifted with people of God praying, marching, parading, and so out front in demonstration of thanksgiving to God and expressing love and hope to one another in unity that NO MAJOR EVENTS (outside of this mission) would be scheduled to absorb any of this HIGH REGARD AND PRIORITIZATION OF THIS FEDERAL HOLIDAY.

A close look at the headlines confirms the day was full of distractions that have some of us wondering but many of us knowing that the work to bring millions of people to do the work outlined in the bible of Rev. King and most importantly, the God of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is in great need of a Movement to bring the MLK Holiday, or perhaps we should call it MLK HOLY DAY, to season the message with a more potent adherence.

This post gets us started one year in advance of 2025. We are in an election year and people need to see God. Yes, God of all Creation over politics, race, denominations, culture, class, creed, etc.

We are instructed in the biblical outline to let our light shine so people can see our 'good work' and glorify God our Father who is in Heaven.

Now, is this the first time a Holiday has been hijacked? We all know this answer is NO. But should it be the last time? We all know the answer should be YES!

In the words of a famous commercial, let WE THE PEOPLE (OF GOD), leave our lights on.